Firstline Safety Management, Inc., is dedicated to assisting your company and employees with the training knowledge that will help them maintain a safe working environment. Below are several of the training classes that we offer. Firstline Safety Management, Inc., can customize any training topic and program to your companies specific needs.
Training Programs Include:
The EM 385-1-1 Construction Safety Hazard Awareness Course is conducted by one of our Certified Federal OSHA Instructors utilizing a combination of handouts, lectures, video training aids and PowerPoint Presentations. This course requires forty (40) hours of classroom time not counting breaks. Each participant will receive upon successful completion of the entire course an OSHA 30-Hour Hazard Recognition pocket card as well as an EM 385-1-1 Construction Safety Hazard Awareness certificate and pocket card. The purpose of this course is to help employees identify and better understand the safety hazards associated with construction work and to cover the procedures and requirements set by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Safety and Health Requirements Manual. Some of the topics that will be covered in this course will be Site-Specific Accident Prevention Plans (APP), Incident Response and Reporting Procedures, Activity Hazard Analysis Forms, etc. Please contact our office to discuss the fees associated with this training.
The Basic First Aid/CPR training will be conducted at the location of your choice. This course is taught based through the National Safety Council. The First Aid cards are valid for a period of three (3) years and the CPR is valid for two (2) years. We also offer the extended class which includes AED which is valid for two (2) years. Please contact our office to discuss the fees associated with this training.
Any general jobsite safety training topic that your company employees need to be refreshed on can be conducted based off of your company work procedures and policies. Firstline Safety Management, Inc., will establish, with your help, a topic specific training program. Please contact our office to discuss the fees associated with this training.
The Confined Space Course will be conducted at the location of your choice. After participating and successfully completing this class each participating employee(s) should be able to identify an entry permit confined space, set up procedures for confined space entry, accurately complete an entry permit and have a basic knowledge of rescue equipment and air testing equipment use. This training is based on permit entry Confined Space requirements. Topics covered in this training will be hazards associated with confined space entry such as but not limited to, lock out tag out, personal protective equipment use, entry permit use, air testing and rescue equipment use, limitations and demonstration and emergency procedures. Please contact our office to discuss the fees associated with this training.
This four (4) hour course is based on an instructor-led classroom mode and includes corporate driver safety policies, vehicle maintenance, inspection procedures, additional content on distracted and impaired driving, parking lots and parking lot hazards, handling vehicle breakdowns and expanded instruction on roadway markings. This course will teach the stages, causes and prevention of collisions, how to reduce collision risk with defensive driving strategies, how driving distractions such as talking and texting affect driving ability, definition of impairment and its related dangers, impact of physical, weather, road and traffic conditions, how to identify and minimize aggressive driving activities and the four fatal driving behaviors. Please contact our office to discuss the fees associated with this training.
This course is conducted utilizing PowerPoint presentations, lecture, handouts and an exam. This course focuses on soils classification, competent persons duties and responsibilities, general requirements, Miss utility, line marking colors, overhead high voltage, sloping and benching systems, trench box use, use of rigging equipment, tabulated data and Appendix F. Please contact our office to discuss the fees associated with this training.
The fall protection training is conducted at the location of your choice. This course focuses on personal fall arrest systems, anchorage, tie off points, tie off (Center of back), shock absorbing lanyards, lifelines, guardrails, wire rope, leading edge work, visual inspection of harnesses, body harnesses and positioning devices. Each fall protection course that is conducted is designed specifically to the materials utilized by your company and employees. Please contact our office to discuss the fees associated with this training.
The fire protection training course will be conducted at the location of your choice. The course focuses on several key components in the OSHA Standard for fire protection such as but not limited to safety gas cans, proper labeling of gas cans, proper use and maintenance of Fire Extinguishers and knowing your different types of fires and fire extinguishers. Please contact our office to discuss the fees associated with this training.
The Forklift Course will provide training on the hazards associated with Forklifts such as but not limited to, operating instructions, warnings, and precautions, differences between truck and automobile, truck controls and instrumentation, engine and motor operation, steering and maneuvering, visibility, capacity, stability, inspection and maintenance and operating limitations. Your company is to supply the forklift and the location for the hands on training section of this class, an operator knowledgeable with the lift that is being utilized and four (4) traffic cones. Please contact our office to discuss the fees associated with this training.
The Ladders and Stairways training reviews proper OSHA standards relating to the proper use and setup of ladders and stairways, load ratings, inspection and removing ladders from service, fall protection from ladder access, requirement of three foot (3’) above landing rule, proper tie off of ladders, keeping bases of ladders and stairways clear of trash and debris, handrails, midrails, stairrails, ¼” break in elevation and job built ladders. Please contact our office to discuss the fees associated with this training.
The Maryland Crane training is based on the definition and description of requirements for Level I, Level II and Master/Lead Rigger classifications to meet the Maryland and/or Federal Crane Standard. Below is a description of the Rigging training that will be conducted utilizing a PowerPoint presentation, physical demonstration and employee participation. “Level I rigger” means an individual who works under the supervision of a competent person and on a routine basis performs rigging work engaged in lifting loads, other than rigging for special lifts, and the erection, dismantling, jumping, or reconfiguring of cranes. “Level II rigger” is an individual who has accumulated 2 or more years of experience working as a level I rigger and performs rigging work engaged in lifting loads for special lifts, or the erection, dismantling, jumping, or reconfiguring of cranes, or all of these. “Master/lead rigger” means an individual who has accumulated 5 or more years of experience rigging loads and is authorized by the employer to take prompt corrective action to eliminate hazards. Please contact our office to discuss the fees associated with this training.
The Maryland Flagger Course is an introduction to the basic principles of temporary work zone traffic control, this three (3) to four (4) hour training course is designed to instruct the participant in the underlying principles of temporary traffic control as set forth in the State of Maryland. Students will be required to complete a written examination and will receive a certificate of completion. Please contact our office to discuss the fees associated with this training.
This course is taught by a Certified Federal OSHA Instructor using a combination of PowerPoint presentations, lectures, video training aids, OSHA handouts and Construction Safety Standard books. The course requires 10-hours of classroom time not counting breaks. A pocket card from Federal OSHA will be sent to each participant who completes the entire course. The purpose of this course is to help employees identify hazards associated with construction work. Please contact our office to discuss the fees associated with this training.
This course is taught by a Certified Federal OSHA Instructor using a combination of PowerPoint presentations, lectures, video training aids, OSHA handouts and Construction Safety Standard books. The course requires 30-hours of classroom time not counting breaks. A pocket card from Federal OSHA will be sent to each participant who completes the entire course. The purpose of this course is to help employees identify hazards associated with construction work. Please contact our office to discuss the fees associated with this training.
The residential fall protection training is conducted at the location of your choice. This course focuses on Interior Finishing (Guardrails), Exterior Finishing (Scaffolds, Ladders, Aerial Lifts), Sheathing Walls (Aerial Lifts, Scaffolds), Installing Walls (Anchors, Guardrails), Installing Subfloors (Anchors, Guardrails), Installing Floor Joists and Floor Trusses (Anchors, Scaffolding), Foundation Walls and Formwork (Anchors, Scaffolding), Roofing – Weatherproofing (Anchors, Bracket Scaffolds), Installing Roof Sheathing (Anchors, Bracket Scaffolds, Safety Net Systems), Installing Ridge Poles and Rafters (Anchors), Installing Roof Trusses (Anchors, Bracket Scaffolds, Ladders) and Introduction (Rescinds STD 03-00-001 – Interim Fall Protection Compliance Guidelines for Residential Construction, Fall Related Injuries, Need to review State specific plans for additional requirements, Written and Site Specific Fall Plans). Please contact our office to discuss the fees associated with this training.
The scaffolding training is conducted at the location of your choice. This course focuses on hazards associated with scaffolding such as but not limited to, mudsills and baseplates, crossbraces or pole clamps, planking, fully decked, guardrails – Top rails, mid rails, toeboards, access, tie-in, erection and dismantling. Each scaffolding course that is conducted is designed specifically to the materials utilized by your company and employees. Please contact our office to discuss the fees associated with this training.
The Virginia Flagger Course is an introduction to the basic principles of temporary work zone traffic control, this one (1) to two (2) hour training course is designed to instruct the participant in the underlying principles of temporary traffic control as set forth in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Students will be required to complete a written examination and will receive a certificate of completion. Please contact our office to discuss the fees associated with this training.
The Virginia Basic Traffic Control Technician Training is an introduction to principles of temporary traffic work zone traffic control. The Virginia Basic Traffic Control Technician is a one-day (8 hours) course that provides an introduction to temporary traffic control safety in Virginia work zones for those who are exposed to public vehicular traffic. It teaches concepts, techniques and practices in the installation and maintenance of traffic control devices, specific to the Commonwealth of Virginia. Please contact our office to discuss the fees associated with this training.
The Virginia Intermediate Traffic Control Supervisor Training is designed to train those employees who will be actively involved in designing or supervising temporary traffic control in Virginia work zones. The Virginia Intermediate Traffic Control Supervisor training is a two-day (16 hours) course in which students are taught concepts, techniques and practices in the installation and maintenance of traffic control devices, specific to the Commonwealth of Virginia, legal aspects of temporary traffic control, installation and removal procedures, flagging procedures, and other considerations such as pedestrians, nighttime work, and urban areas. Please contact our office to discuss the fees associated with this training.
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